Pre-K / K levels are non-competitive and a great place to start! Soccer is the perfect introductory sport.
✏️ Register Link Here
Our Pre-K and Kindergarten level programs are for the joy of the sport and to get kids out on the field and having fun.
Teams are balanced so that there is about an even number of boys and girls. We try to place a few children from each school on a team and each team's average age is reviewed to ensure no team is too old or too young.
Coaches are volunteers and are parents of players. Please consider volunteering with the WYSA program by signing-up while registering. For more information, please contact the Pre-K/K age director at [email protected].
Field Size
30 yards X 20 yards (L x W)
All games are played at Chauncy Fields.
Ball Size
Size 3
3 v 3 (no goal keeper)
Jersey shirts (One red and one white). Purchased during registration for $25
Shinguards (covered by the socks) are mandatory at all practice and game activities.
Soft-cleated soccer shoes are highly encouraged.
No jewelry of any kind.
Plenty of water.
8 games are played each season and are scheduled on Sunday afternoons.
Fall session (September - November); Spring (April - June)
Game times: Pre-K - 11:30pm; K - 1:00pm (Note: Arrive at least 10 minutes early) Format- Weeks 1-4 BEST FC Soccer will run “Academy Style” fun soccer skill games for 30 minutes and Coaches will run 30 minute games.
- Weeks 5-8 Traditional Pre-K / K soccer games; (2) 20-25 minute halves.
Scheduled by coaches. One per week, @45-60 minutes.
Note: At this level, parents MUST stay. There are NO drop-offs.
Age Requirements
- Pre-K: 4 years old by 8/31 of the Fall Season.
- Kindergarten: 5 years old by 8/31 of the Fall Season.